Wednesday 3 September 2008


No political organization is born fully formed. Inevitably, there must be a gradual maturation: through discussion, through mistakes made, through hard experience, through listening to the lessons of one’s peers and elders.

In the polls this week, there have been some negative trends, which can only be attributed to our lack of maturity. A perception of political un-roadworthiness; that this may not be a juggernaut at all, rather some rusty old Morris Minor chassis with a tree growing through it, or to return to the original analogy, a tricycle, ridden by a politically inexperienced toddler.

On this day therefore, the Lawrence Party is drawing the proverbial line in the metaphorical sand, and establishing once and for all its status as the very epitome of political credibility and maturity – by announcing that we will have policies.

In broad brushstrokes, our policy framework, platform, whatever you want to call it, can be summed up by this bold, simple phrase:
“The party is over.”

Rich and enticing, these four words represent the cultural diversity of our nation, the inseparable relationship between land and sea, the taonga that is our intellectual and cultural capital, and our respect for the natural forces which have shaped these beautiful but brutal isles.

“The party is over.” But the campaign has just begun.

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